Anandam Lives

The New Approach of Happiness

Anandam Lives helps you develop an ecosystem around you, to enable bliss and happiness in your life, and in the lives of those around you.

Happiness & bliss, as well as stress & depression, are contagious, more contagious than the most contagious diseases in the world. Your state of mind is usually significantly impacted by those around you. If the people around you carry a negative mindset, that is what you develop within your own life.

If the people around you are happy, with a strong positive outlook, guess what your life will be like!

Anandam Lives helps you develop an ecosystem for the most desirable and impactful life your heart may desire.

The paragraph addresses members in three life impacting phases

  1. Anandam Lives - Teens
  2. Anandam Lives - Professionals
  3. Anandam Lives - Seniors

Anandam Lives - Teens

Is our mind socially impactful program designed to enable the promise of our future development skills to help them grow to be the most impactful generation of all time. With the resources available in the world today, our teens are blessed and challenged. How one embraces the blessings without the challenges defeating positive development is a need not addressed by the education system.


This is also generally a battle that is lost before it even starts in the family system due to several reasons. Thus, for the first time in history our most talented teens are left to deal with their lives on their own - in spite of the most developed education system in history, with the most affluent family circumstances the likes of which no previous generation has ever or experienced

Skills enhancement program offered include:

Understanding self, and recognizing strengths and weaknesses

Doing SWOT analysis, and brainstorming to overcome weaknesses and threats

Developing priorities in life - immediate (current year), short term (next 3 years), mid term (years 4 to 10), long term (11+ years)

Doing a skills, talents and abilities inventory and preparing a wish list to cover gaps

How to enjoy every day, no every moment, of life

How to evaluate any situation and develop skills to make the best decisions

Role of emotions in life - and where emotions has NO place at all
Beyond formal education - content, value, time allocation and more
Self-esteem - what is it, how does it impact life, and how to control it
Establishing boundaries in life and relationships in particular
Setting expectations in every relationship
Learning about career opportunities in life and rating each
Career choices - lectures, workshops, fireside chats, panel discussions
Other topics as we develop them

Anandam Lives - Professionals

is our program for youth and beyond, as one moves into higher education and employment.

Anandam Lives - Seniors

is our program for older individuals, as they move out of the workforce and into retirement.

The Anandam Lives Leadership Team brings decades of senior management experience, along with extensive knowledge and experience in education, individual and organizational growth. The leaders in our Teens Program are obsessively focused and talented individuals way ahead of their years. Their vision for their future, passion in working towards achievement of most challenging goals and the intensity they put into their efforts are each inspirational.

The Anandam Lives Learning Platform

Anandam Lives brings leading content to one platform, from where members can pick content they are interested in. This includes reading material, audio and video content and custom blog content developed exclusively for our members which we share with the world.

You've heard of syndicated news services, with each publication doing its own articles. Anandam Lives brings together common research, editorial and design teams - and delivers customized narratives and plans for your needs.

Benefits of content aggregation and economics of scale with bespoke content solutions are taken to highest possible levels in Anandam Lives.

A dedicated mentor will help strategize your script at every turn of your life's journey. Work with you to define the content buckets that make sense. And feed that to our research, evaluation and design teams. And discuss the results with you to see what needs changing. Improvement, enhancement, sustenance and more.

Because you are special and your circle needs to know you better.

Here are some projects our content teams are working on.

AHP - "Emocharge" your Anandam Happiness Program

The Rationale

Most relationships focus on what you get out of it. Most spiritual and religious books preach "it is more blessed to given than to receive". However, conventional systems do not appear to focus on the benefits and value of GIVING. 

Giving programs work at the rationale level by offering your expertise and services to those around you, those who will benefit from you.

In childhood everyone is taught to share, and the value of sharing and caring are synonymous. Somehow, along the ladder as infants and children grow older, this important value is lost. Can a giving program also reward the giver at an emotional level?  Of course, it can! These approaches to life enhancement are at the core of Anandam Lives initiatives.

The Two Dimensions of Anandam Lives

Anandam Lives' "Do-Good" Platform

Anandam Lives' Do-Good platform uses expertise to deliver the joy of "doing-good". Based on the insight that the joy of "doing-good" is at its most intense when one can actually first-hand feel and see one's contribution doing good to people in one's neighborhood and community.

Anandam Lives' "Insider Track" Platform

Anandam Lives' "Insider Track" platform is designed to offer Anandam Lives' members a status boost that goes beyond material rewards. The "Insider Track" enables members to graduate their circle of family and friends into their advocates, with tremendous loyalty to the individual member. This helps over all development of our members, while our members grow professionally through education and experience. The "Insider Track" is constituted by everyone in the Anandam Lives' extended family. This gives our members access to the strongest leaders in our communities. This brings to your doors talented resources and contacts beyond imagination that money cannot buy. You "buy" your access by growing the stature of your membership - by serving your community. There is NO membership fee, and money cannot buy your greater stature. Buy by contributing to your community with community impact projects, your stature grows and you will learn life enhancement skills that will serve you well for ever.